34 research outputs found

    SensoDat: Simulation-based Sensor Dataset of Self-driving Cars

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    Developing tools in the context of autonomous systems [22, 24 ], such as self-driving cars (SDCs), is time-consuming and costly since researchers and practitioners rely on expensive computing hardware and simulation software. We propose SensoDat, a dataset of 32,580 executed simulation-based SDC test cases generated with state-of-the-art test generators for SDCs. The dataset consists of trajectory logs and a variety of sensor data from the SDCs (e.g., rpm, wheel speed, brake thermals, transmission, etc.) represented as a time series. In total, SensoDat provides data from 81 different simulated sensors. Future research in the domain of SDCs does not necessarily depend on executing expensive test cases when using SensoDat. Furthermore, with the high amount and variety of sensor data, we think SensoDat can contribute to research, particularly for AI development, regression testing techniques for simulation-based SDC testing, flakiness in simulation, etc. Link to the dataset: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1030747

    Diversity-guided Search Exploration for Self-driving Cars Test Generation through Frenet Space Encoding

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    The rise of self-driving cars (SDCs) presents important safety challenges to address in dynamic environments. While field testing is essential, current methods lack diversity in assessing critical SDC scenarios. Prior research introduced simulation-based testing for SDCs, with Frenetic, a test generation approach based on Frenet space encoding, achieving a relatively high percentage of valid tests (approximately 50%) characterized by naturally smooth curves. The "minimal out-of-bound distance" is often taken as a fitness function, which we argue to be a sub-optimal metric. Instead, we show that the likelihood of leading to an out-of-bound condition can be learned by the deep-learning vanilla transformer model. We combine this "inherently learned metric" with a genetic algorithm, which has been shown to produce a high diversity of tests. To validate our approach, we conducted a large-scale empirical evaluation on a dataset comprising over 1,174 simulated test cases created to challenge the SDCs behavior. Our investigation revealed that our approach demonstrates a substantial reduction in generating non-valid test cases, increased diversity, and high accuracy in identifying safety violations during SDC test execution

    Cost-effective Simulation-based Test Selection in Self-driving Cars Software

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    Simulation environments are essential for the continuous development of complex cyber-physical systems such as self-driving cars (SDCs). Previous results on simulation-based testing for SDCs have shown that many automatically generated tests do not strongly contribute to identification of SDC faults, hence do not contribute towards increasing the quality of SDCs. Because running such "uninformative" tests generally leads to a waste of computational resources and a drastic increase in the testing cost of SDCs, testers should avoid them. However, identifying "uninformative" tests before running them remains an open challenge. Hence, this paper proposes SDCScissor, a framework that leverages Machine Learning (ML) to identify SDC tests that are unlikely to detect faults in the SDC software under test, thus enabling testers to skip their execution and drastically increase the cost-effectiveness of simulation-based testing of SDCs software. Our evaluation concerning the usage of six ML models on two large datasets characterized by 22'652 tests showed that SDC-Scissor achieved a classification F1-score up to 96%. Moreover, our results show that SDC-Scissor outperformed a randomized baseline in identifying more failing tests per time unit. Webpage & Video: https://github.com/ChristianBirchler/sdc-scisso

    Machine Learning-based Test Selection for Simulation-based Testing of Self-driving Cars Software

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    Simulation platforms facilitate the development of emerging Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) like self-driving cars (SDC) because they are more efficient and less dangerous than field operational test cases. Despite this, thoroughly testing SDCs in simulated environments remains challenging because SDCs must be tested in a sheer amount of long-running test cases. Past results on software testing optimization have shown that not all the test cases contribute equally to establishing confidence in test subjects' quality and reliability, and the execution of "safe and uninformative" test cases can be skipped to reduce testing effort. However, this problem is only partially addressed in the context of SDC simulation platforms. In this paper, we investigate test selection strategies to increase the cost-effectiveness of simulation-based testing in the context of SDCs. We propose an approach called SDC-Scissor (SDC coSt-effeCtIve teSt SelectOR) that leverages Machine Learning (ML) strategies to identify and skip test cases that are unlikely to detect faults in SDCs before executing them. Our evaluation shows that SDC-Scissor outperforms the baselines. With the Logistic model, we achieve an accuracy of 70%, a precision of 65%, and a recall of 80% in selecting tests leading to a fault and improved testing cost-effectiveness. Specifically, SDC-Scissor avoided the execution of 50% of unnecessary tests as well as outperformed two baseline strategies. Complementary to existing work, we also integrated SDC-Scissor into the context of an industrial organization in the automotive domain to demonstrate how it can be used in industrial settings.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.0466

    How does Simulation-based Testing for Self-driving Cars match Human Perception?

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    Software metrics such as coverage and mutation scores have been extensively explored for the automated quality assessment of test suites. While traditional tools rely on such quantifiable software metrics, the field of self-driving cars (SDCs) has primarily focused on simulation-based test case generation using quality metrics such as the out-of-bound (OOB) parameter to determine if a test case fails or passes. However, it remains unclear to what extent this quality metric aligns with the human perception of the safety and realism of SDCs, which are critical aspects in assessing SDC behavior. To address this gap, we conducted an empirical study involving 50 participants to investigate the factors that determine how humans perceive SDC test cases as safe, unsafe, realistic, or unrealistic. To this aim, we developed a framework leveraging virtual reality (VR) technologies, called SDC-Alabaster, to immerse the study participants into the virtual environment of SDC simulators. Our findings indicate that the human assessment of the safety and realism of failing and passing test cases can vary based on different factors, such as the test's complexity and the possibility of interacting with the SDC. Especially for the assessment of realism, the participants' age as a confounding factor leads to a different perception. This study highlights the need for more research on SDC simulation testing quality metrics and the importance of human perception in evaluating SDC behavior

    SBFT Tool Competition 2024 -- Python Test Case Generation Track

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    Test case generation (TCG) for Python poses distinctive challenges due to the language's dynamic nature and the absence of strict type information. Previous research has successfully explored automated unit TCG for Python, with solutions outperforming random test generation methods. Nevertheless, fundamental issues persist, hindering the practical adoption of existing test case generators. To address these challenges, we report on the organization, challenges, and results of the first edition of the Python Testing Competition. Four tools, namely UTBotPython, Klara, Hypothesis Ghostwriter, and Pynguin were executed on a benchmark set consisting of 35 Python source files sampled from 7 open-source Python projects for a time budget of 400 seconds. We considered one configuration of each tool for each test subject and evaluated the tools' effectiveness in terms of code and mutation coverage. This paper describes our methodology, the analysis of the results together with the competing tools, and the challenges faced while running the competition experiments.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing (SBFT@ICSE 2024

    TEASER: Simulation-based CAN Bus Regression Testing for Self-driving Cars Software

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    Software systems for safety-critical systems like self-driving cars (SDCs) need to be tested rigorously. Especially electronic control units (ECUs) of SDCs should be tested with realistic input data. In this context, a communication protocol called Controller Area Network (CAN) is typically used to transfer sensor data to the SDC control units. A challenge for SDC maintainers and testers is the need to manually define the CAN inputs that realistically represent the state of the SDC in the real world. To address this challenge, we developed TEASER, which is a tool that generates realistic CAN signals for SDCs obtained from sensors from state-of-the-art car simulators. We evaluated TEASER based on its integration capability into a DevOps pipeline of aicas GmbH, a company in the automotive sector. Concretely, we integrated TEASER in a Continous Integration (CI) pipeline configured with Jenkins. The pipeline executes the test cases in simulation environments and sends the sensor data over the CAN bus to a physical CAN device, which is the test subject. Our evaluation shows the ability of TEASER to generate and execute CI test cases that expose simulation-based faults (using regression strategies); the tool produces CAN inputs that realistically represent the state of the SDC in the real world. This result is of critical importance for increasing automation and effectiveness of simulation-based CAN bus regression testing for SDC software. Tool: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7964890 GitHub: https://github.com/christianbirchler-org/sdc-scissor/releases/tag/v2.2.0-rc.1 Documentation: https://sdc-scissor.readthedocs.i

    Machine learning-based test selection for simulation-based testing of self-driving cars software

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    Simulation platforms facilitate the development of emerging Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) like self-driving cars (SDC) because they are more efficient and less dangerous than eld operational test cases. Despite this, thoroughly testing SDCs in simulated environments remains challenging because SDCs must be tested in a sheer amount of long-running test cases. Past results on software testing optimization have shown that not all the test cases contribute equally to establishing con dence in test subjects' quality and reliability, and the execution of \safe and uninformative" test cases can be skipped to reduce testing effort. However, this problem is only partially addressed in the context of SDC simulation platforms. In this paper, we investigate test selection strategies to increase the cost-effectiveness of simulation-based testing in the context of SDCs. We propose an approach called SDC-Scissor (SDC coSt-effeCtIve teSt SelectOR) that leverages Machine Learning (ML) strategies to identify and skip test cases that are unlikely to detect faults in SDCs before executing them

    Cost-effective simulation-based test selection in self-driving cars software with SDC-Scissor

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    Simulation platforms facilitate the continuous development of complex systems such as self-driving cars (SDCs). However, previous results on testing SDCs using simulations have shown that most of the automatically generated tests do not strongly contribute to establishing confidence in the quality and reliability of the SDC. Therefore, those tests can be characterized as “uninformative”, and running them generally means wasting precious computational resources. We address this issue with SDC-Scissor, a framework that leverages Machine Learning to identify simulation-based tests that are unlikely to detect faults in the SDC software under test and skip them before their execution. Consequently, by filtering out those tests, SDC-Scissor reduces the number of long-running simulations to execute and drastically increases the cost-effectiveness of simulation-based testing of SDCs software. Our evaluation concerning two large datasets and around 12’000 tests showed that SDC-Scissor achieved a higher classification F1-score (between 47% and 90%) than a randomized baseline in identifying tests that lead to a fault and reduced the time spent running uninformative tests (speedup between 107% and 170%). Webpage & Video: https://github.com/ChristianBirchler/sdc-scisso

    Single and multi-objective test cases prioritization for self-driving cars in virtual environments

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    Testing with simulation environments helps to identify critical failing scenarios for self-driving cars (SDCs). Simulation-based tests are safer than in-field operational tests and allow detecting software defects before deployment. However, these tests are very expensive and are too many to be run frequently within limited time constraints. In this paper, we investigate test case prioritization techniques to increase the ability to detect SDC regression faults with virtual tests earlier. Our approach, called SDC-Prioritizer, prioritizes virtual tests for SDCs according to static features of the roads we designed to be used within the driving scenarios. These features can be collected without running the tests, which means that they do not require past execution results. We introduce two evolutionary approaches to prioritize the test cases using diversity metrics (black-box heuristics) computed on these static features. These two approaches, called SO-SDC-Prioritizer and MO-SDC-Prioritizer, use single-objective and multi objective genetic algorithms, respectively, to find trade-offs between executing the less expensive tests and the most diverse test cases earlier. Our empirical study conducted in the SDC domain shows that MO-SDC-Prioritizer significantly (p-value<= 0.1 − 10) improves the ability to detect safety-critical failures at the same level of execution time compared to baselines: random and greedy-based test case orderings. Besides, our study indicates that multi-objective meta-heuristics outperform single-objective approaches when prioritizing simulation-based tests for SDCs. MO-SDC-Prioritizer prioritizes test cases with a large improvement in fault detection while its overhead (up to 0.45% of the test execution cost) is negligible